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A facilitator is an experienced professional who guides a group of people through a process to reach their desired outcomes. This can be done through a meeting, workshop, retreat or class. Facilitators are often called upon for their expertise in the topic of the session, but they also possess many other skills that help the process run smoothly.

A good facilitator can bring a diverse group of people together and create synergy among them. This requires active listening, observing and noting verbal and non-verbal cues to create a safe learning environment in which all can participate. They also know how to set the stage for effective group decision-making, planning and problem solving.

Another important skill is neutrality. Whether the discussion is about the color of napkins or an important project, a skilled facilitator stays impartial. They understand that disagreements and challenging of ideas are necessary to the success of a group, but they must be careful not to turn them into unproductive arguments. A strong facilitator is an expert at managing the flow of ideas, making sure that all members have a chance to express their views and that no one person dominates the conversation.

It is often difficult for shy or quiet participants to contribute, so the facilitator must find ways to encourage them to push past their initial reluctance and share their opinions. This can be done through a variety of methods, from the goofy to the more refined. Depending on the situation, a skilled facilitator can find the method that works best for each individual in the group.

If a group of people has existing hierarchies or preconceived prejudices, they can stifle creativity and prevent the group from reaching its desired outcome. This is why a good facilitator must be able to recognize these potential obstacles and form new group dynamics that promote creative thinking.

Empathy is a social skill that allows a facilitator to understand what the participants are experiencing. This is useful when a participant feels discouraged or frustrated, and it can help the facilitator guide the participant to the next step in the process.

A good facilitator knows how to use visual tools such as a flip chart and poster board to inspire participants. They also use techniques such as brainstorming, group mind mapping and role playing to help the participants think outside the box. This can lead to innovative solutions and save time in meetings by eliminating the need for lengthy discussions.

Hiring a facilitator can be an excellent investment in the success of a company or organization, but it is crucial to have an idea of what you want out of the process before talking with candidates. It is also important to spend as much time as possible with the candidates in order to find out if they are a good fit for the role. Doing so can save time, energy and money in the long run.